Cosmicrafts Community Architect

Embark on a Legend-Forging Saga

4 min readMay 21, 2024

We’re on the quest for more than just a Community Manager; we seek a visionary communicator, a dynamic PR strategist, and an inspiring leader to build a thriving community in Cosmicrafts. You’ll be the face and voice of our Metaverse, embodying the spirit of our team and community.

Powered by the secure foundation of the Internet Computer, we aim to redefine Web3 Gaming and esports through immersive gameplay, player-driven economies, and a passionate community that feels like home.

Your Role:

This isn’t just a job; it’s an epic saga where you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Cosmicrafts team. You’re the maestro of engagement, a champion of player voices, and the architect of an epic community narrative.

You’re not just part of the team; you’re its heartbeat, guiding us through uncharted territories with strategic brilliance.

Sculpting Your Masterpiece:

  • Forge a Thriving Community: Foster camaraderie and ignite enthusiasm among players. Host interactive events, manage vibrant forums, and create captivating guides to build lasting bonds.
  • Amplify Player Echoes: Be the conduit for feedback, channeling bug reports, feature requests, and player insights to the development team. Ensure every voice resonates and shapes the Cosmicrafts universe.
  • Spark Digital Engagements: Ignite life into our presence across diverse platforms (Twitter, Twitch, Discord, and beyond!). Craft compelling narratives, curate engaging content, and drive player-led initiatives that spark imaginations.
  • Forge Alliances Across the Cosmos: Seek strategic partnerships with influencers, streamers, and brands that resonate with our narrative. Your diplomatic skills will negotiate win-win collaborations that expand our reach and amplify our community’s voice.

Navigating the Cosmic Map:

  • Chart the Strategic Course: Regularly update the team with your progress, attend weekly strategy gatherings, and work collaboratively to align with our collective vision. Be a data-driven strategist, analyzing trends and proposing solutions to elevate our journey.
  • Document Your Odyssey: Keep meticulous records of your strategies, achievements, and learnings. Your documentation will guide our future quests and inspire others.

Skills and Tools of the Trade:

  • Master Communicator: Exceptional verbal and written skills are your armor. Familiarity with AI tools like chatGPT for revising and analyzing content will be your sword.
  • Data-Driven Strategist: Your map is analytics. Experience with social media analytics tools and the ability to interpret data to guide your decisions is key.
  • Proactive Pioneer: Self-motivation and the ability to anticipate the needs of the community and team are your guiding stars.
  • Time Management Wizardry: Balancing multiple quests and meeting deadlines with finesse is crucial.
  • Technical Savvy: Basic image and video editing tools will help in creating visually appealing content, but you will get help.

What Awaits You:

  • Rewarding Quests: Compensation reflects your achievements — the higher you aim, the greater the treasure. Set your goals, and we’ll reward your journey with competitive pay and milestone bonuses.
  • Cosmic Citizenship: Join us, and you’ll receive tokens, becoming an integral part of the Cosmicrafts team allocation. Share in our growth and prosperity.
  • Forge Your Path: We offer the flexibility to create your own schedule, respecting the balance between your professional quests and personal adventures.
  • Loot and Spoils: As part of your journey, enjoy exclusive rewards like Tokens and NFTs from our partnerships and sponsorships.

Join the Odyssey:

Ready to carve your legend in the Cosmicrafts Metaverse? Send us your resume or a cover letter that shines a light on why you’re the destined Community Architect for this adventure. Share your previous experiences in community management or related fields and what drives your passion for gaming and community building.

Send your resume and cover letter to:

We’re excited to embark on this epic journey with you.

Join us, and let’s forge a legacy together in Cosmicrafts!




Dive into a futuristic real-time strategy game where you experience the thrill of intergalactic warfare and command your fleets in action-packed battlefields.